I have just sold a print of this green Secrete Garden. It is the largest print that I sold so far. It is 27" x 35"/70 x 90cm.
It is a laminated print with one side is sticky. It can be mounted on a hard board such as Gator Board.

Gator Board is rigid polystyrene foam core laminated between two face veneers of resin-impregnated wood fiber. They are used for mounting paintings. It is light weight yet very rigid that can sustain hard pressure.
Gator Board 

Order the Large Print
Current the largest prints that I support are of size 70 x 100cm. I am working on some ways of deliver larger ones . If there is a better safe way, I am very interested in develop even larger prints. I think the laminated prints mounted on board have modern appeal that are affordable. It is a good choice to decorate a large space.
Please visit my post of Large Laminated Prints on mounting large laminated prints on gartor board.
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