Lily Pang Art

Lily Pang Art and Design, Gardening, Painting

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Small Houses 5

This small houses painting has no tree, but with fields of flowers.

A typical Chinese painting of spring is a small village surrounded by sea of the plantation of yellow flowers for eatable oil. This painting is inspired by this type of paintings instilled in my mind when I was just a little girl.

I am thinking of stopping at 6 of this series. But not sure, maybe more. I really love to paint them. I think I am just a little women that loves cute and adorable things. Not like some of my male artist friends, they like to paint city space with high buildings and sea space with big boat. I love small things.

Jane Austin wrote small intricate feelings in very detail that makes you smile from your heart. Leo Tolstoy wrote about war and passionate love that makes you breathless with tears. They are all beautiful, aren't they?