I will be in China till June 15th. It has been a very busy time for me and I am really looking forward for the break. I miss my family in China and am so excited to see them.
Order the Prints

Unfortunately, I cannot access the blog anymore due to the restriction of blog accessing by Chinese government. Thus there will be no update from me till June 15th. I also cannot follow your blogs until then.
Order the Prints
But I can still read all my emails and access Etsy and Dawanda and my LilyPang Art&Design Store . If you have any questions or enquiry, please don't hesitate to contact me via my email: 
I am thinking of some new things for my store and products. Maybe I will include some free blog give away and some other new products. I have some requests for conducting art courses and I am thinking on that as well. I hope vocation can bring more new ideas for my art. Do check it out after June 15th.
Just show some Art Glass Pendants that I made as gifts for my friends in China. It's so nice to be able to make gifts myself.
Have lots of fun to everyone and see you later!!!