Just share a word passed to me from my friend:
"What I have done in this world to deserve so much (good things)?".
I'll be back at the end of June. See you then!
Singapore has major four races. They are Chinese, Malay, Indian and Euroasian. I am very much influenced by the culture of other races.
I love Indian arts, food and other things very much. After I colored this painting, I think I have to call it Indian Summer. The strong color combination reminds me of Indian paintings.
Initially I am thinking of call it "In the Garden".
Today I would like to paint with brush and acrylic very much. After a while mostly using computer, I miss using acrylic very much.
I went to shopping yesterday and got back with not so many new clothes, but some fabric images from the clothes I saw. I was so busy with taking photos and felt so embarrassed that I didn't buy the things that I should.
I attached some images here:
Acrylic on heavy watercolor paper,
Painting size: 11 x 12.5, $80
This is print is produced from a ink drawing and then I digitally color it I found that in order to make this method successful, you need to have a good subject and composition.
Have a nice weekend for everyone!
First I am very happy today that one of the great blogs in Singapore "Singapore Kids Places" wrote an article about my work. Thank you very much Milly.
If you want to have some fun places to go, especially if you have kids, I think it is a very good site to give you a good idea. If you plan to visit Singapore, read this site which gives much intimate details from a resident here.
About this painting, this is inspired from the lines that I draw from the previous paintings. I found that lines and circles always give beautiful effect.
I also found one artist who likes to use circles as well. His name is LukeTaaffe. You can visit his paintings from the RedBubble. I just include one for your references:I love his work.
I am thinking of to paint the paintings in Acrylic to see how different it will be.
I haven't draw for very long time. This is one that I draw in ink and then digitally color it. I like draw in ink, the black lines gives everything good shape.
Today I caught a happy moment of baby playing with my Indonesia helper Ida. Ida was trying to wrap her batik scarf she inherited from her grandmother on my baby's head. They were really happy doing this.
The batik scarf is really beautiful. It is the inspiration of today's piece. I painted the tree in Acrylic and then digitally tweak it.
I always find difficult to make nice colors in my paintings. I just read a book about using colors for artist. One point is very useful to me. It tells me to gather color references. I usually cut out from magazine to gather nice looking colors and their combination. I think it is very useful to me.
Today's color reference is depicted in here that I gathered from a picture in a magazine.It would be nice to hear others on how you manage your colors.
Print size: 8.5 x 11, $18
This is my first try to create still-life using digital art. I love the effect it gives. Very simple, clean and pretty.
Print size: 8.5 x 11, $18
This is a collage of my watercolor painting of the fluffy flower and digital illustration. I love the shape of the fluffy flower and the beautiful image they create. Combined with watercolor texture, they are really beautiful!
Print size: 8.5 x 11, $18
Every little creature has a dream. They are flying in their dream.
I wen to get visa to go to China to visit my parent and my sister. To my surprise, the visa fee is $190 and no multiply entry is not allowed. It is Olympic time and it seems China wants to restrict entry of foreigners. Just too bad for me.
Print size: 8.5 x 11, $18
This was inspired by collage using fabric. I find that fabric collage is very interesting and beautiful.
I wonder if any of you have problem to print art work. I have some problem that the picture printed out is not the same as what you see in the monitor.
There are tones of information as how to set this correct such as to calibrating your monitor and printer in order to get it right. Also you need to figure out how Photoshop manage the color and printing process.
The following are the summaries of what I did.
[1]. You need to calibrating your monitor well. Go to display of your computer and set properly your monitor Gamma, contrast and light values.
[2]. In Photoshop, use "Proof Setup" to pre-view your print out result in your printer. You can adjust colors accordingly if it is not what you want.
[3]. Turn off your color management in your printer. Let Photoshop control the color translating from your PC to the printer.
Hope this helps if you have similar problem.
Print size: 8.5 x 11, $18
Doesn't it give a mood of holiday? I am looking forward to a trip to my hometown China next month. This is the mood I am in now. Heee..
Print of size: 8 x 10, $18
This is one that I totally digitally draw it. I don't have a tablet yet and use mouse to do it. It is quite tiring. I got some muscle pain in my shoulder.
Print size: 8.5 x 11, $18
I created these from my painting "Lotus". I use the painting as the base and digitally illustrated the painting.
Print size: 8.5 x 11, $18
This is digital illustration from my ink drawings. I draw the flowers and the leaves, then digitally color it.
Print size: 8.5 x 11, $18
I use collage of the yesterday's painting to product the digital one. To reflect the fresh air, I use a big soft colors here.
Giclee Print on heavy archival photo paper
Print size: 8.5 x 11, $18
This is another bird and tree. I love to paint them.
Acrylic on heavy watercolor paper of 140lb
Size: 8.5 x 12, $85
Haven't working on real life brush for a while, I do find a bit difference. I wonder if anyone totally gives up real painting for digital art after they work on digital art for a while.
But whether you are using acrylic or digital brush to paint, the fundamentals are the same. You use the same style and principles.
The good thing about the digital painting is that you can always adjust while in real painting, it is hard to change once you put on the colors.
Acrylic on heavy watercolor paper of 140lb
Size: 10 x 12, $85