Lily Pang Art

Lily Pang Art and Design, Gardening, Painting

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Poppy Reductive Original Relief Print

A new technique of printmaking using reductive method was taught in last week printmaking class. The reductive method prints something on a paper and then cut some away to make another printing on the same paper till you get the final result.

It requires a lot of planning to work on this method such as the colors, sequence of cutting needed and number of editions you want to produce.

In this work, I planned to print two pieces. I position them using tapes to align them properly during subsquent layers of printing. The gomuban, an easy to carve vinyl rubber plate is secured in the middle.

Once I printed the color I wanted, I cut away it and thus it will not be covered during the subsequent printing.
This is the third printing and last one, when the light colored green is cut away.
This one is created by using the final plate with black ink. I found the black and white one is also very pretty.